Gaggia Classic PRO/ EVO Flow Control Dimmer Kit


Elevate your Gaggia Classic PRO/ EVO with the Flow Control Dimmer Kit, designed for both TopBox-equipped machines and those willing to drill a hole for knob access. With this compact dimmer, you can fine-tune water flow from shutoff to maximum with a twist.

Create perfect pre-infusions, bloom your coffee, and master the flow like a pro. This feature, often seen in high-end machines, is now at your fingertips, offering a more customized coffee experience for your Gaggia Classic PRO/ EVO.

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If you purchase this product you will earn 18 Bean-Bucks worth R18.00!
Gaggia Classic PRO/ EVO Flow Control Dimmer Kit

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Or split into 4x interest-free payments Learn more
If you purchase this product you will earn 18 Bean-Bucks worth R18.00!